GrabGirl ver 2 - From finding chicks to logistic with Navigation update

Following the previous post, we are going to update some new features, also changing the concept to solve Logistic problem, instead of finding hot chicks around. Not to worry, we 'll return to GrabGirl, GrabChick, GrabGay, GrabBi*c*, GrabLGBT whatever you name it later. 

Basically, they are just "Uber for X" :)

OK, let 's get started, shall we?

1) Add Direction modules

First, you will need to add some important Direction modules to work with Navigation on Google Map, which I 've already updated into GitHub project, feel free to reuse :)

2) Create CustomInfoWindow to appear above markers
For the default map fragment, Google forces your InfoWindow to display as a single view only, so no touch, no drag, no f*cking interaction with components inside, they said. Luckily, there are some tricks to break this ridiculous shield. You will need to create a MapWrapperLayout which only use Google Map as a reference with your own custom modification.

By far, this is the cleanest instruction on how to do it properly answered on StackOverflow, which I desperately applied in this project. The accepted answer with 307 upvotes speaks for itself. Not all heroes wear capes, you know :)

Google Maps Android API v2 - Interactive InfoWindow (like in original android google maps)

I am trying to a make custom InfoWindow after a click on a marker with the new Google Maps API v2. I want it to look like in the original maps application by Google. Like this: When I have ImageBu...

MapWrapperLayout component in map layout

CustomInfoWindow with TextView and 2 Buttons
 3) Convert LatLng into Real address with Reverse Geocoding
Since our markers are assigned with LatLng object, when you click "Set as location" or "Set as destination" inside CustomInfoWindow they will return you with a LatLng object into origin and destination editTextView above. Like hell we would need it, the "Find path" button won't work with LatLng object, we need the Real address of a marker, such as: 69 Black House, Donald District, Trump City ,... kinda so :)

First, you have to handle onClick() event on those 2 buttons with the returned LatLng

After that, this "getCompleAddress" function will convert LatLng into Real address in the blink of an eye

 4) Apply AutoImageSlider to DetailActivity

Please follow this tutorial carefully

Android Image Slider Slideshow Viewpager Example Programmatically

Hello, dear developers. In android image slider with slideshow using Viewpager example, you will learn how to create image slider in the Android app. We will make image slider with circular or dot navigation indicator. This indicator will guide user which number of image is currently being shown in slider.

The project on my GitHub


GrabGirl - Uber for Love

That 's all for now. More features are coming soon, stay tuned :)

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